Gaston Quotes from Beauty and the Beast

Gaston, the dashing yet devilish antagonist from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, has captivated audiences for decades with his arrogant charm and memorable Gaston quotes.

Gaston Statue in front of Gaston's Tavern in Magic Kingdom.
Gaston Statue in front of Gaston’s Tavern in Magic Kingdom.

This blog post will take you on a journey through Gaston’s most iconic moments. We will explore his relationships, battles, and influence on other Disney villains.

So grab your pitchforks and torches, and let’s dive into the captivating world of Gaston quotes!

Who is Gaston?

Gaston’s full name is Gaston Legume and he is the main antagonist in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. He is a chauvinistic and arrogant character. He craves the affection of Belle, the most beautiful girl in town and lover of books.

Gaston is considered ​the greatest hunter and has a loyal sidekick named LeFou. Gaston’s obsession with Belle drives him to extreme measures, ultimately leading to a confrontation with the Beast, which ends in his own demise.

Despite being a classic Disney Villain, he is a likable character because of the humor he brings to the movie. Although a Villain, Gaston likes to think of himself as prince charming.

"She's the one! The lucky girl I'm going to marry!" - Gaston

Gaston’s memorable quotes and actions have made him a fan favorite among Disney villains. His combination of arrogance, charm, and comic relief make him a character that audiences love to hate.

Some of the most famous lines from Beauty and the Beast come from Gaston himself.

"Ah Maurice, forever the dreamer. Too bad dreams don't put food on the table." - Gaston

Quotes about Belle

Gaston’s fixation on Belle is evident throughout the film. She is beautiful on the outside, but also has a special kind of beauty that radiates from within.

His dismissive attitude towards her intelligence is a prime example of his flawed character. Belle’s rejection of Gaston’s advances is a beautiful thing, but it only serves to fuel his obsession to make her his wife.

  1. “Belle, it’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas and thinking.” – said right in front of Belle as he takes Belle’s book from her.
  2. “She’s the most beautiful girl in the whole town, and that makes her the best. And don’t I deserve the best?”
  3. “You know, I’ve been thinking. A dangerous pastime, I know. But that wacky old coot is Belle’s father, and his sanity is only so-so.”
  4. “She’s the one! The lucky girl I’m going to marry!”
  5. “I’m especially good at expectorating! Ptoooie! Ten points for Gaston!”
  6. “She’s so beautiful, it makes me ache. And I’ve got a little of my own philosophy to share: She’s the trophy that proves I’m the winner.”
  7. “Belle is mine, and no one else’s. I’ll make her my wife, and she’ll bear my children. She’ll cook, clean, and sew for me.”
  8. “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell. But she wants me to be the same old Gaston.”
  9. “Why, Belle, it’s not like me to brag. But I’ve been told I’m the best hunter in the village. And I’ve got my sights set on you.”
  10. “A great hunter doesn’t waste his time on rabbits”
  11. “Belle, don’t waste your time with that Beast. You deserve someone who can provide you with the finest things in life. Me!”
  12. Belle to Gaston: “He’s not a monster Gaston. You are!”
  13. “Belle! Heard you had a little trouble with the headmaster.”
  14. “Can I give you a little advice about the villagers, though? They’re never going to trust the kind of change we’re trying to bring.”
  15.  “Good morning, Belle! Wonderful book you have there.”
  16. “This is our world, Belle! For simple folk like us, it doesn’t get any better.“

Read Also: Where Can I Meet Belle in Disney World?

"The beast may have a castle, but he's still a beast. I, on the other hand, am the epitome of human perfection" - Gaston

Quotes about Maurice

Maurice is Belle’s father in the movie Beauty and the Beast. Gaston thinks of Maurice as crazy and uses her father to manipulate Belle into marrying him. Even the townsfolk call Maurice a crazy old loon and say he belongs inside of a mad house.

  1. “Ah, Maurice, the village eccentric. Always lost in his little world of inventions and peculiar contraptions.”
  2. “Maurice, your ‘inventiveness’ knows no bounds. Perhaps one day you’ll stumble upon something useful.”
  3. “Honestly, I don’t know how Belle turned out so well with a father like Maurice. Must be some kind of miracle.”
  4. “Maurice, if only your imagination were as practical as your daughter’s beauty, then maybe you’d be worth something.”
  5. “Ah, Maurice, forever the dreamer. Too bad dreams don’t put food on the table.”
  6. “Oh, look, it’s Maurice, the bumbling old fool. What harebrained scheme has he cooked up now?”
  7. “Maurice, you’re as predictable as the sunrise. Always with your head in the clouds, never grounded in reality.”
  8. “I pity poor Belle, having to bear the burden of being Maurice’s daughter. She deserves so much better.”
  9. “Maurice, you should stick to what you know best: tinkering in your little workshop, far away from civilization.”
  10. “It’s no wonder Belle’s always escaping into books. Anything to avoid the embarrassment of being associated with Maurice.”
  11. Gaston to Maurice: “So why don’t we just turn around go back to Villeneuve? I’m sure Belle is at home, cooking up a lovely dinner. Please, forgive me, old bean. That’s no way to talk to my future father-in-law, now is it?”
  12. Gaston to Maurice: “There are no such things as beasts, or talking teacups, or… magic! But there are wolves, frostbite, and starvation.”
  13. “Maurice, it’s one thing to rave about your delusions. It’s another to accuse me of attempted murder.”
  14. “Maurice, it pains me to say this, but you’ve become a danger to yourself and others. No wonder Belle ran away. You need help, sir. A place to heal your troubled mind.”
  15. “He was in here tonight, raving about a beast in a castle.”
  16. “Just give me your daughter’s hand, and I’ll set you free.”
"It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking..." - Gaston

Quotes about the Beast

Gaston’s disdain for the Beast is evident throughout the film. His plan to defeat the Beast, which ultimately leads to his death, is driven by his jealousy and obsession with Belle.

Despite Gaston’s best efforts, he ultimately meets his end when the Beast strikes him. This epic showdown at the Beast’s castle is a tense moment and serves as a turning point in the film. This is where Belle’s love for the Beast is revealed and the true nature of Gaston’s villainy is exposed.

  1. “That Beast is nothing more than a hideous monster. A beastly brute unworthy of any human affection.”
  2. “Belle, you can’t seriously be considering falling for that Beast. He’s just a wild animal pretending to be a prince.”
  3. “Why would you choose that Beast over a handsome and gallant man like me? It’s beyond comprehension.”
  4. “The Beast may have a castle, but he’s still a beast. I, on the other hand, am the epitome of human perfection.”
  5. “Belle, you’re wasting your time trying to see something redeemable in that Beast. He’s beyond redemption.”
  6. “I’ll show that Beast who the real alpha male is. I’ll prove my superiority and win your heart.”
  7. “Don’t be fooled by the Beast’s supposed transformation. Underneath it all, he’s still a monster.”
  8. “Belle, you deserve someone who can offer you more than a life with a cursed creature. Choose me, and I’ll give you everything.”
  9. “The Beast may have riches and a grand castle, but he can never match my physical prowess and charm.”
  10. “Belle, if you give in to that Beast, you’ll be sacrificing your own happiness. You deserve a prince, not a monstrous creature.”
  11. “He’s got fangs razor sharp ones. Massive paws killer claws for the feast. Hear him roar, see him foam, but we’re not coming home ‘til he’s dead. Good and dead. Kill the beast!”
"I use antlers in all of my decorating" - Gaston

Best Quotes from the 2017 Live-Action Beauty and the Beast

Luke Evan’s had his own unique take on Gaston, showcasing the character’s arrogance, charm, and determination in his performance.

  1. “It’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking…”
  2. “This is the day your dreams come true.”
  3. “I use antlers in all of my decorating!”
  4. “Who does she think she is? That girl has tangled with the wrong man!”
  5. “Belle is mine!”
  6. “I’m especially good at expectorating! Ptoooie!”
  7. “There’s no man in town half as manly!”
  8. “I’m roughly the size of a barge!”
  9. “I’m not done with you yet!”
  10. “It’s hero time!”
  11. Gaston to Himself: “You are the wildest, most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. Nobody deserves you”
  12. Picture it, LeFou. Rustic cabin, my latest kill roasting on the fire. Adorable children running around just as my love rubs my tired feet.
"This is the day your dreams come true." - Gaston

Beauty and the Beast Broadway Musical Quotes

Most of these quotes come from song lyrics sang by Burke Moses.

  1. LeFou Sings: “No one’s slick as Gaston, no one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston’s!
  2. “When I hunt, I sneak up with my quiver and beasts of the field say a prayer.”
  3. “When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown, I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge!”
  4. “Gaston is the best, and the rest is all drips!”
  5. “I’m the one who’ll marry Belle. Right here in this town!”
  6. “No beast alive stands a chance against me, and no girl for that matter.”
  7. “I’m roughly the size of a barge, and I’m my own man! No one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s slick as Gaston!”
  8. “Belle, you’re my wife now, and you’ll make lots of sons. Oh, I’m not done with you yet!”
Gaston’s song from the original 1991 Beauty and the Beast Movie.

Famous Gaston Quotes from the 1991 Animated Film Beauty and the Beast

In the 1991 animated film, Richard White lent his voice to the character, brilliantly conveying Gaston’s over-the-top ego and determination to win Belle’s heart.

  1. “And every last inch of me’s covered with hair!”
  2. “I’ve got my sights set on that one. The inventor’s daughter.”
  3. “It’s not right for a woman to be as strong and as fast as me.”
  4. “She’s the one! The lucky girl I’m going to marry!”
  5. “When I hunt, I sneak up with my quiver. And beasts of the field say a prayer.”
  6. “Here in town, there’s only she who is beautiful as me.”
  7. “She’s the most beautiful girl in the whole town, and that makes her the best. And don’t I deserve the best?”
  8. “I’m especially good at expectorating! Ptoooie! Ten points for Gaston!”
  9. “Belle, it’s about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things. Like me.”
  10. “I’m not done with you yet. No one says no to Gaston!”
  11. “Belle, you’re so ahead of your time. This is a small village, and it’s small-minded as well.”
  12. “She’s so beautiful, it makes me ache. And I’ve got a little of my own philosophy to share: She’s the trophy that proves I’m the winner.”
  13. “Belle, don’t waste your time with that Beast. You deserve someone who can provide you with the finest things in life. Me!”
  14. “I want Belle more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my whole life.”
  15. “Say you’ll marry me. Just say ‘yes’!”
  16. “Screw your courage to the sticking place”
  17. “Here, picture this… a rustic hunting lodge… my latest kill roasting on the fire… and my little wife, massaging my feet… while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs… we’ll have six or seven.”
  18. “No one plots like Gaston, takes cheap shots like Gaston, plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston.”
  19. No one’s got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston.
  20. Gaston: “Take whatever booty you can find, but remember, the Beast is mine!”
  21. Gaston: “I’d like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. First I’d better go in there and propose to the girl.”
  22. “We all admire your devotion to your father, but you’d say anything to free him. Your word is hardly proof.”
  23. “It’s like this: I’ve got my heart set on marrying Belle, but she needs a little persuasion.”
  24. Gaston: “Everyone knows her father’s a lunatic”
  25. Through the mist, through the wood, through the darkness and the shadows, it’s a nightmare but it’s one exciting ride.”
  26. “I don’t usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night, but he said you’d make it worth my while.” – Monsieur D’Arque
"Why, thank you, Belle. What do you say you and me take a walk over to the tavern and take a look at my trophies" - Gaston

Gaston’s Scheming Tactics: Quotes to Manipulate

Throughout the film, Gaston employs various tactics to manipulate those around him in order to achieve his goals.

  1. “Belle, you know deep down you can’t resist my charm. It’s only a matter of time before you realize we’re meant to be together.”
  2. “If you really cared about me, Belle, you’d leave that Beast and choose someone who can truly make you happy.”
  3. “I’ve seen how the Beast treats you, Belle. He’s not capable of loving you like I am. Don’t let him deceive you.”
  4. “You’re smarter than all those villagers, Belle. They don’t understand what’s best for you. But I do.”
  5. “Belle, think of the life we could have together. The admiration, the luxury, the adoration of everyone in town. You deserve that, don’t you?”
  6. “Do you really want to live in a filthy castle with a monster? Leave that life behind and embrace the comfort and security I can offer.”
  7. “Belle, I know you have a kind heart. It’s time to use that kindness to save yourself from a life of misery with the Beast.”
  8. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the village, Belle. Don’t settle for a Beast when you can have a man who appreciates your beauty every day.”
  9. “Belle, imagine the shame your father would feel if he knew you chose to stay with a hideous creature. Think of his happiness, choose me.”
  10. “Belle, I understand you have compassion for the Beast, but don’t let it blind you. Choose me, and we can save him together. It’s the right thing to do.”
  11. Gaston : “Why, thank you, Belle. What do you say you and me take a walk over to the tavern and take a look at my trophies?”
  12. “Belle, do you know what happens to spinsters in our village after their fathers die? They beg for scraps, like poor Agathe.”
"Lefou, you truly are the most loyal friend a guy could ask for" - Lefou

Gaston’s Relationship with LeFou

LeFou is Gaston’s loyal sidekick. The two are friends, but their relationship is often fraught with tension and unrequited feelings on LeFou’s part. Gaston, however, does not reciprocate these emotions.

  1. “Lefou, my trusty sidekick, always there to support me in my endeavors.”
  2. “Lefou, you truly are the most loyal friend a guy could ask for.”
  3. “Ah, Lefou, you may not have my looks, but you make up for it with unwavering devotion.”
  4. “Lefou, I’m glad I have someone like you by my side, someone who understands my greatness.”
  5. “Lefou, you’re lucky to be in my presence. It’s an honor, really.”
  6. “Lefou, I couldn’t have achieved all my victories without your help. You’re an indispensable part of my success.”
  7. “Lefou, I’m a true leader, and you’re the perfect follower. Together, we make a formidable team.”
  8. “Lefou, you may not always understand my genius plans, but you trust me blindly, and that’s what matters.”
  9. “Lefou, you’re like a shadow, always there to amplify my greatness and make me shine even brighter.”
  10. “Lefou, you’re a true friend, willing to do anything to ensure my triumphs. I couldn’t ask for a better companion.”
  11. Gaston to LeFou: “Look at her, LeFou. My future wife. Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village. That makes her the best.”
  12. ” No, LeFou. It’s the ones who play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey.”
  13. “Ah Lefou, you’re the best. How is it that no girl has snatched you up yet?”

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